Here are some of the projects I’ve worked on over the years, focusing on leveraging technology to create positive change.
Jan 19, 2025
(Pinned)🦑 SquidLeet: A Command-Line LeetCode Practice ToolA deep dive into the low-level design of SquidLeet, a command-line tool for practicing LeetCode problems.PythonGraphQLDockerLinuxAug 16, 2024
(Pinned)ChatGPT ScraperA Selenium tool for automating ChatGPT interactions, ideal for fetching responses, testing, and demos through predefined prompts in a browser session.PythonSeleniumDockerAug 16, 2024
(Pinned)Set Me Upset-me-up aims to simplify the dull setup and maintenance of MacOS and Debian-based development environments.ShellPythonHomebrewDebianMacOSrcmAug 14, 2024
Guard RailsGuard Rails is a modular, maintainable, and customizable DevOps strategy designed for use with Travis CI.Travis CIDockerAppScanContrastDetect SecretsMezmoPythonJavaJavaScript
A collective dedicated to the craft of software engineering, driven by a mission to enhance lives and solve complex problems through innovative technology.
Featured Projects from DotBrains.
Explore our flagship projects that revolutionize developer workflows and enhance security practices.
Automate and simplify the setup and maintenance of macOS or Debian Linux development environments.
Cut Setup Time by 99%
Reduce environment setup time from hours to minutes, allowing you to start being productive almost immediately.
Consistent Setups
Ensure your development environment is set up the same way every time, reducing configuration errors.
Key Components
set-me-up blueprint
A customizable template for managing your setup.
set-me-up installer
A universal installer script for Mac or Debian-based machines.
set-me-up Universal Modules
A framework for setting up diverse development environments.